Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Monday wellness refelction

I chose this topic because i believe that its important to have quality meals before and after you workout, and most people take it for granted that your workout can be improved by your pre workout meal. The most interesting thing i learned in my research on my topic was that its important to weigh yourself before and after your work out, because for every pound lost you should drink at least 2 cups of water also i think that its interesting how people think that they can just eat what ever they want before a work out or sports meet just because hey feel that it doesn't affect there play or performance but in reality it does and depending on the sport you need different types of meals to play at the highest potential. My topic is important to health and wellness because it promotes a better nutrition to your everyday life in how we prepare yourself for workouts and how to recover better based on what you eat and put in your body to improve your performance. not only is important to eat but also hydration is important because you don't want to be dehydrated in your sport, and have a worse performance. its important to be hydrating for a sport days in advance. on a scale of 1-10 i would give myself a 9/10 because i used my research for my actual preparation and recovery for my work out, which makes me feel better when teaching the class because then i can explain from my personal experience and maby then people feel more comfortable actually making changes to the diet. i think that his monday wellness was important because for people to work out is just enough to help there bodies be healthy but actually a complete diet and an enhanced diet before and after workouts is important to fully get the benefits of the workout and to be prepared for the next. we talked a lot about how different sports players have different meal plans for their pre and post games diet, but what i noticed is that in all of them they all like to still enjoy the meal and not just eat it because they have to, they all have foods that improve their performance by not eating too much but just enough of something helps them be better athletes in the long run. something to keep in mind is that many "sports drinks" have lots of extra added sugars, but this isn't the best of an athlete's interests because they shouldn't be drinking too much because they are not the best for you. it's important to get the electrolytes they need but an alternative is to water down the sports drink and to hydrate more. in all the monday wellness was a success and i think that people will now fully understand the potential of being a complete athlete.

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