Friday, October 16, 2015

Blood Pressure lab

Systole blood pressure is the result of the contraction of the ventricles its is usually 110-140. Diastolic pressure is the ventricles relaxation pressure which is usually between 70-90. equipment used to measure heart rate is your finger and a stethoscope, and to messure your bloodpressure you can use a stethoscope and a sphygmomanometer. using a thumb to measure pulse is not ideal because your thumb already has a pulse it self. To use a blood pressure cuff, you put the cuff on to another persons bicep and increase the pressure in the cuff by pumping air into the cuff, and the pressure should cut off blood flow to the arm. The stethoscope should be on the area where you can hear the heart beating. Pump up the Cuff with the rubber pump and let air out at 120 and see where it stops fluctuating.
This is a photo I took durning get my blood drawn
This a photo I took of the gage of my blood pressure
This is a photo of my results in the lab

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