Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Unit 2 reflection

To start off, Unit 2 was a blast! to me personally. To finally get more in depth with our pillars of health and to not only learn but to actually improve my nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress on myself was great. I learned that health is a healthy combination of Physical, Mental, and social well being of a person. right now i consider my self an un healthy person based on my height and weight, but with help and the right balance of the pillars of health i believe i will achieve my goal. People at SHS seem to me as an unhealthy group of people because everyone is too worried and stressed out about grades. Physically they are not worried about there bodies but more conciuous about there grades and i don't see many folks in the SHS weight room after school to relieve some of that stress on good work out. I believe to improve the campuses health we should promote a healthy foods stand in the quad to show people what a healthy snack or meals looks like instead of selling those high sugar drinks at the top of the quad to raise money for clubs. that only promotes un healthy food choices. to add on i think students should start to form  weight lifting club were students can come and feels welcomed no matter what state there body is at and get god and face to face tips on how to become a healthy but also more in shape person. some themes from this unit that we learned about that really connected with me was the exercise them, because i tend to only do strength building workouts, but i also need aerobic and cardiovascular to try to reach my body at a peek physical shape. The next unit i will continue to compare and relate the teachings to my everyday life. i can compare this learning to my everyday life to help improve my work outs, eating habits and to regulate sleep and stress, to make life easier and healthier. 

This was my collage 
This is my goals sheet

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