Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reflex Lab Analysis

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Your Brain MAP

1. The frontal lobes is important when controlling the cognitive thinking process, such as personality or complex problem solving.

2. Selective attention and learning is the ability to focus in on selective things and be able to only prioritize on most important facts and ideas.

3.  The last part of your brain to develop is the frontal lobe, and you can help prevent it from being reduced by staying focused and keeping your brain active with it deteriorating.

4. The Neo cortex is the part of your brain that helps navigate you bodies movement.

5. The Role of the pre frontal cortex is to control your bodies personal interactions in a social environment.

6. We know that the Pre Frontal cortex relationship with multitasking is multitasking really doesn't exist and that the pre frontal cortex allows you to jump between tsk rapidly.

7. The area of the brain that involves speech and language is the Broca area. it is also used when learning a new language.

8. The somatosensory cortex is responsible thinking about your homeostasis and how that relates to actual temperature.

9. The Visual cortex allows you to distinct between color and more complex images.

10. The Occipital lob is your brains visual processing center, as well as the part that identifies with imagination and creativity. Also if damaged it can result in blindness or loss in color or images.

11. If your temporal lobes were damaged you would experience memory loss.

12. Your "fast brain is a region that involves with picking up information in quickest time possible. also controls eye movement.

13. 3 things that influence your synapses and have a positive affect on your life is, exercise, healthy diet, and taking vitamins.

14. the relationship between multi sensory and dendrites is one is for learning something and another for memorization.

15. Big picture thinking is for fully comprehending information where as and it uses dendrites to think like that.

16. an important nerotransmitter is cortisol because it gives us the fight or flight response to survive in life threatening moments.

17. the corpus colosseum is a think bundle of fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain and transferring the information.

18.. the corpus colosseum and its relation to music is that music requires both hemispheres of the brain so it connects the two.

19. The Thalamus is responsible for motor control and your conciseness.

Relate and Review 

In this assignment we look at a site that had a three dimensional view of a brain map, which had neurons that you could click on and get a full review on what it did and its different parts. this assignment was very interactive and very technology based and was interesting to see the brain in amore intellectual view and be able to zoom in. It was great to see the different points of the brain and the where they were location wise on the brain. I think this assignment was very helpful when trying to learn about what the brain does and how it works. 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sheep Brain Dissection Lab Analasysi


2.  In this photo is the posterior and anterior side of the brain as well as the cerebrum which is for cognitive skills, and the cerebellum is for the motor skills. 

3. The function for the myelin in a Neuron is to functionally cover the brain in a thin laye. 

4. Cross sections sketch and photo

5. In the photo above the hypo thalamus functions is to control the homeostasis, thanks function is to organize sensory input in the body, corpus collosum function is to connect the two halfs of the brian, mid brains function is to help with primitive functions, optic nerves functions is to connect to the eyes and transfer signals from eyes, pons function is to help transfer sensory information, medulla oblangada function is to regulate automatic function. 

6. Cross section cut horizontally 

In this lab we dissected and sheep brain, observing it's different functions and anatomy of the brain structures. It relates what we have learned so far that it shows us in with visuals what the brain actually looks like and how complex it is with each part playing a major role with controlling the human body. This is important when learning about the brain because photos of the brain and color labels of the brain are very distinct, but when looking at the actual brain it is hard to see the different regions and the actual  brain is more complex and vague with regions, to actually see it is challenging.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sheep Eye Dissection Analysis

In this lab we dissected a sheep's eye. here are some photos

In this Photo there is the Retina which is a thin layer of tissue in the back of the eye, its purpose is to receive light and convert it to signals to the brain. The Vitreous Humor, is a clear substance that fills space between the lens, its functions acts like a water ballon to expand the space and inflate the eye ball to keep it filled. The Lens is a small Sphere in between the Vitreous Humor, its function is to to help focus on objects from various distances. The Choroid is the shiny material on the back of the eye its function in animals is to help absorb more light waves. The Sclera is the outer area of the eye that acts as a tough protection from injury. 

In this photo you can see the Extrinsic muscle, the muscle group controls the horizontal, vertical and rotating movement of the eyeball. Also you can see the Optic nerve, its a bundle of nerves that transfers visual information from the retina to the brain.  The fatty tissue that surrounds the eye is used to protect the eyes layers. 

In this photo you can see the lens, and Virtuous Humor, but as well as the black rings around the lens is the Suspensory ligaments which job is to contract to adjust the lens to help take in more or less light. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The clay brain

In this lab we used clay to depict a 2D model of the brain. Creating the left and right hemesphere of the brain shown in the photos below the specific anatomy is labeled. 



Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Woman With a Hole in Her Head

In this article it talks about a women with a missing portion of her brain. Her Cerebellum was missing which caused her to loose partially part of her motor skills and slurred her speech on some words. In replacement of her cerebellum it was filled with cerebrospinal fluid to prevent from disease. This women got it lucky is only dealing with minor issues and her situation could have been much worse.

I was assigned the pineal gland, if a person were to loose or be without their pineal gland they would loose the ability to create the hormone melatonin, which promotes sleep. the pineal gland also has a big influent on the cerebellum. effecting other hormones and reducing sleep pattern. if the denial gland is destroyed one article writes that other portions of the brain would take over and compensate for the loss of it.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Nervous system power hour reading

The book i read was called "Master Mind, How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes" by Maria Konnikova, the chapter i read was The Value of Creativity and imagination. In this chapter she talks about how people start to lose there thought of imagination and grasp of it as we are told what to do when we get older we have to find our imagination again and learn to use it to our advantage, Maria explains "we tend to think of creativity as an all or nothing, you have it or you don't characteristic of the mind. But that couldn't be further from the truth. creativity can be taught." (115), she gets her point across to stop telling yourself that you don't have what it takes to be creative but rather you need to teach your mind that you can be creative with only progression. If i had to ask the author 2 questions they would be, How can Sherlock Holmes be a good example of factual creativity when he is a fictional character. Another is When thinking about becoming creative sint that already being creative?