Thursday, March 31, 2016

Nervous system power hour reading

The book i read was called "Master Mind, How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes" by Maria Konnikova, the chapter i read was The Value of Creativity and imagination. In this chapter she talks about how people start to lose there thought of imagination and grasp of it as we are told what to do when we get older we have to find our imagination again and learn to use it to our advantage, Maria explains "we tend to think of creativity as an all or nothing, you have it or you don't characteristic of the mind. But that couldn't be further from the truth. creativity can be taught." (115), she gets her point across to stop telling yourself that you don't have what it takes to be creative but rather you need to teach your mind that you can be creative with only progression. If i had to ask the author 2 questions they would be, How can Sherlock Holmes be a good example of factual creativity when he is a fictional character. Another is When thinking about becoming creative sint that already being creative?

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