Monday, November 16, 2015

sheep heart dissection

1. the purpose for the pericardium is to protect the heart, it is the outermost layer of protection.
2.Arteries differ from veins in their structure by veins are thicker and don't allow any back flow and have valves, were as arteries have a larger area and have no valves. veins also have thinner walls.
3. The auricles role in the heart is to inflate when blood pumps into the heart to allow more space and to inflate like a balloon
4. The differences between the atria and ventricles is that structurally the ventricles looked larger and had more area were as the atria had valves connected below them and had more fat attached.
6. this is a sketch of a birds eye view of the tricuspid valve
7. The anchoring of the heart valves, chordate tendinae, and papillary muscles is important function because without them the valve would not close and the blood would keep flowing and cause major problems within the heart.
9.the function for the semi-lunar valves is to prevent back flow of blood into the ventricles 
10. a) the swelling of feet and ankles is caused by back flow in the right side of the heart because this part pumps blood through the inferior vena cava  
      b) if this problem occurs on the left side the blood from lungs would be fatal and the blood from the upper body would be cut off and there would be a lack of oxygen.
12. The left and right sides of the heart differ by the left side is the side gets blood from lungs and is oxygenated and the right side is not oxygenated.
13. this is a sketch of the cross-section structures of the inferior heart 

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