Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Unit 3 reflection

  • Unit 3 was all about the cardiovascular system and how it helps pump blood and oxygen through the body with organs like the heart lungs and kidney, we also learned how these organs and the system has problems and diseases if not treated right. The cardiovascular system works by pumping blood through your body and exchange CO2 for Oxygen. This is important because if your don't have the proper circuitry system then you won't have any oxygen and it will be fatal. Cardiovascular health is a healthy blood pressure, healthy cholsetrol and good heart health in general, which comes with good exersice and nutrition. Which is the ultimate goal which we talked about in unit 2. To promote cardiovascular health comes with good exersice, good diet, not smoking, and low stress levels will help you fulfill a healthy heart and lungs.I want to learn more about how the brain and heart are intertwined with each other and how having a cardiac arrest causes brain damage and fatal damage to the heart as well. Some strengths that i had for this unit is having an actual concern for my own heart and wanting to actually learn about what my heart and the cardiovascular system is all about and why its important to keep it healthy. some weaknesses for the unit is to have to understand the vocabulary and different terms about the heart were struggling. i would say in this unit i became a better student in anatomy and physiology by committing to the unit and trying to understand the concepts and big ideas to relate to actual life and other means. my goals for the remainder of the semester is to finish strong and tie up all my lessons learned to do well on the final. 
    This is a photo from our walk around the heart
    This is a photo from my groups heart dissection taken by vega bugta
    This is a photo of me getting my blood pressure taken by Vega Bugata

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