Monday, March 14, 2016

What Happens When You Stretch

What happens when you stretch, in this articles it talks about different muscle groups and there contractions they have with differ stretches. The strength of a contracting muscle is a result of the number of fibers contracting, due to the more fibers stretched, the more the length developed by the muscles for the given stretch. Muscle Spindola lie parallel to the extrafusal fibers that come into play during stretching which is located in the tendon near the end of the muscle. Reciprocal inhibition and reciprocal innervention are cases by the desire of motion wich forces the antagonist to relax. Muscle Spindles change in length by causing the stretched muscle to contract. In all this articles over views the way muscles stretch and how.


"Only consummate professional athletes and dancers at the top of their game are believed to actually possess this level of muscular control." 

I chose this quote because it relates to me who is an athlete and how X tensile training brings muscles to memory based  and that if you train for too long and stretch too much it could actually put you at a higher risk of injury.

"Picture little pocket fibers distributed throughout the muscle body stretching, and other fibers simply going along for the ride"

I chose this quote because I could really picture a smiling muscle fiber catching a free ride from a pocket fiber who is trying to force this out of control fiber into stretching and paying attention kinda like a mom trying to control her Children

"When stretching, it is easier to stretch a muscle that is relaxed than to stretch a muscle that is contracting" 

This quote helps me realize a better idea about getting full range in muscles when I go to stretch before a game or practice, preparing for a strenuous activity the body needs to be properly prepared 

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