Monday, February 29, 2016

Unit 6 Reflection

in this unit we learned about the anatomy and physiology of bones and how they help not only support the body but help us move, protect our organs and store proteins. main themes in this unit was one this different diseases that come with bones and disorders, like osteoporosis which brakes down the inside of bones, scoliosis which is in backs of younger boys and girls. w some other themes are also the different types of bones like short bones, long bones, and irregular bones, also learning about almost every bone in the body of were it is located. i want to learn more about how bones have developed over time from the apes to now us homo sapiens-sapiens. i still do not fully understand how in the owl pelt lab that my partner could not find any skull of any animal let alone find enouph defining bones ( i wonder if any of the bones from dinosaurs still would be able to transplanted into a human to make them like half dinosaur half human, that would be cool. my growth as a student has come to not only applying things i learn in class to daily life but also just having more respect for my own body and how it works so hard a dilligently at little things that make the biggest difference in my life. I can relate this to how in the health unit ( and how we talked about your body but the impact the bones have on you body goes more than just holding you up and i think i took that for granted before.
This is a photo I took of the pelt lab
This a photo I took of the spinal cord of a vole

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