Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Digestive System Lab Questions

1. In this lab we mad yarn replicas of our digestive system to see how relatively large it is to your body. Seeing how large it is especially the small intestine is compared to the rest of the system can really show how the importance of the absorption of food is and how long it takes and what it has to go threw. main take away from this activity was to see how long your digestive system is.

2. The length of my digestive system compared to the height of my body is 1.778 meter and my digestive system was 9.6. The ways my digestive system fits in my body, is by folding and compressing in loops to fit inside my abdomen, without those methods it would obviously be hanging out of my body for another 7 meters 
3. I think on average for food to travel threw my digestive system it would take about 6-8 hours(www.mayoclinic.org).  My guess was 24 hours, so I was off by a lot. Factors are that the different types of food digest differently based on what base materials they were made of. 
4. Digestion involves the stomach and small intestine(duodenum, ijejunum, ileum) were the food is broken down  with accessory organs such as the liver, gallbladder and pancreas were proteins and knack fats are broken down. Absorption involves the large intestine  which absorbs or dries out the indigestible food, water absorbed.  And eventually moves to the anus.
5.  Some questions I have are, what is the livers role in digestion, and why doesn't everyone have the same length digestive system?

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